If you are thinking about renting your country property and do not know if  it is need of some renovation or what to renovate, this article will come in handy.

To start making reforms in our country property the first thing is to have a lot of patience and know how to face up to the changes that we are going to make.

There are older country properties that, depending on what renovations we need , may need an architect's project

Before we start we should have some idea about what  we need to do so that we can rent our country property more easily.  If we are going to want to  build, demolish , or modify  or simple a quick renovation. 

The best time to do renovations depends on what type of renovation we want to do.  The best season will be springtime , as it is when the weather is better and in summer our country property will be ready to rent , newly renovated, painted etc.

We must take into account the time needed to do the work and be ready for when the best rental season begins.

Once we have a clear idea what our country property needs to enable it to look better and attract more rentals we must proceed to request work permits. To know which type of permission we need we must take into account there are two types of renovations,  minor renovations and major renovations.

Minor renovations are small renovations for which it is not necessary to have plans or technical drawings and documentation, you only need to process the application in the Town Hall. For major renovation the documentation and supervision of a technician, whether engineer or architect is necessary.


01 Renovations in a country property; where to begin

Now we have made a short study of the renovations needed in a country property we can proceed to give you a few ideas of the most important things

A The access

This is one of the most important aspects of our country property because it is the first thing our tenant sees when visiting the property. This must be in good condition if it is a dirt track or gravel... ,it should be as smooth as possible without bumps, and if it is possible with concrete which makes the access even better.

B Study the building thoroughly

You must check a lot of the areas of the property to ensure that during the rental period there are no accidents.

    • The roof.

      It is advisable to check the tiles of all the roofs of the property so that if there is a rainy and windy season they are well fixed and in good condition so that the tenants of our country property does not have problems with leaks or damp during their stay.

    • Wooden beams ? Woodworm, fungus , cracks

      If the country property has wooden beams, it is recommended that a specialist checks them to see if there is woodworm or fungus and if so, begin the repair treatment. In the case that there are cracks or the beams are in bad condition or badly fixed it is advisable to have them repaired so that we do not have any nasty surprises during the rental season.

    • Orientation and luminosity of each part of the country property.

      To know what type of renovation to do and what decoration to have in your property so that it looks better, has more light , and seems more spacious and attracts the attention of potential clients, the owners usually should pay attention to the orientation and the luminosity in each room, kitchen, living room. ... Improving these our country property will appear more spacious, comfortable... so that potential tenants will want to return.

C Rescue original materials and construction techniques.

Everything that is in good condition and can be utilized in the renovation , is a good saving for our pockets and also helps to maintain the original character of our country property, such as covered areas, stone walls, wooden beams etc.

02 Renovations in a country property; decoration

Aesthetic renovation is of less importance but you should also be very careful with these aspects since sometimes the updating of the interior such as painting and decoration are the best renovations you can make to the interior.

A Contemporary

    • There are people who get bored of always seeing the same colour walls and prefer to use other textures or decorations on the walls. This is a good opportunity go make a change to our country property, even if only to change the colour of the walls so that they give a better contrast with the furniture.

B Carpentry

    • If we have doors, windows or shutters that are old and in bad condition they can be repaired and given another type of finish or substitute for new ones thus making the property look better for our tenants.

C The Environment

    • There are people who come from big cities and are looking for completely rural country properties which allow them to disconnect and feel at peace, for this, if you want to have your country property to have this type of ambience you should preserve the old wooden beams and the old floors if they are in good condition. Some pretty curtains and rugs with country style printing will give a feeling of peace and freedom from the routine of everyday city life Although it is a rural style country property it does not have to have too much furniture or decoration , it must have at least some rustic elements such as walls of brick, open spaces and a lot of large light windows that have beautiful views of the mountains etc.

03 Renovations in a country property; interior

Other things that should be taken into account in the renovation of our country property are not only the appearance but the interior that can make the stay more comfortable for the tenants.

A Instalations

    • Plumbing.

      The plumbing installations must be updated and cleaned so that they are in good condition and that both hot and cold water in bathrooms and kitchen functions correctly.

    • Electricity

      Even more important so that there are no electrical problems, these installations must be checked and be in good condition to avoid possible electrical problems such as electricity cuts ,or having only a low amount of power contracted meaning that the clients might complain about the lack of power.

B Amenities

Nowadays when renting a country property what most families look at are the amenities which it has , both in summer and winter, if has sufficient space for the children to entertain themselves inside the property if the weather is bad and even before looking at the location they check if it has:

      • Airconditoning


        Central Heating


        Well equipped bathrooms and kitchen

        Large and spacious living rooms

04 Renovation in a country property: exteriors

So that our country property is rented as much as possible , we must also take into account the outdoor areas because when the weather is good we all want to enjoy the outdoors and it is best if our country property can offer the best leisure area.

A good relaxation area outside with a well maintained garden, a barbecuer area which one can enjoy with family or friends and a terrace with the pool for the hot days of summer A viewpoint or gazebo where one can enjoy the views or the summer nights with a good meal or simply have a drink.

These are some of the possibilities for reforming your country property. Do you think there are more things that would help in renting? Please tell us and we will put your suggestion with your name in this article. And above all do not forget to share if you find it interesting. When we share the good becomes better.