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Your dream home awaits you

Country properties & typical Andalucian townhouses in the “pueblos blancos”.

Enjoy your visit and please

come back again to stay in this marvellous place in the sun.

Your first stop in the village

All of us at Cómpeta Properties welcome you to our lovely area.

Extensive and diverse portfolio

Properties for sale or for rent in Andalucía, inland or on the Costa del Sol.

When we finalise a purchase

our work still continues. We are available in any of our offices.

Discover the best climate in Europe

all year round.

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The real value of a country property for the Summer

The real value of a country property for the Summer

And, when we speak of value, we are not referring exclusivel ...

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¿necesita algo más?
Reforms, maintenance, gardens, plumbing, and electricity are just some of the options available.
Telephone:+34 952 553 435
Avda. Sayalonga, 24B - Cómpeta, Malaga